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Close-up of three children's hands on a table. One hand reaches into a small pile of colourful letter beads.

Our School Fees at a Glance

SIS Kassel is a private school which is financed by a combination of tuition paid by parents and state subsidies. It is important to us that as many families as possible benefit from our bilingual programme. Therefore, the school fees are income based. In addition, Wintershall Dea AG offers partial scholarships.

School Fees – School Year 2025/26

The monthly fees cover tuition and supervision from 7.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. For students in primary and secondary school attendance from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. is mandatory. Starting in grade 6, obligatory attendance times may be extended.

Download school fees – school year 2025/26

Income-Based School Fees

SIS strives to make its educational offering accessible to as many families as possible. Therefore, the school fees are income based. For more information, please contact the school office.


SIS strives to make its educational offering accessible to as many families as possible. Each year, Wintershall Dea AG funds a number of scholarships which aim at providing children from low-income families the opportunity to visit SIS Kassel. For further information on selection criteria and application modalities, please contact the school office.

Sibling Discount

Families receive a sibling discount of 10 % on tuition fees for the second or third child enrolled at SIS. The one-time entrance fee as well as the fees for the hot lunch programme and other additional services are excluded from this offer.

" As an international and mixed family with homes in Romania, China, France, Norway and again Germany we are daily mixing cultures, languages, dishes, habits and especially lots of memories. And that makes the difference at SIS: we love to be at this school in the same mixed and international environment. We do believe that this is the way and THE big chance for our daughter and for the next generation to understand the world just as it is with different cultures, to grow up open minded and tolerant for a society with common understanding and respect. For us SIS is like the world in a nutshell – thank you to the team."

family Haufe, parents

"Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Schule, das ganze SIS Team ist sehr kompetent, freundlich und sie gehen sehr liebevoll mit den Kindern um, was meine Tochter spürt und der Grund ist, wieso sie so viel Freude in der Schule hat. Die individuellen Bedürfnisse von jedem Kind werden wahrgenommen. Die Erzieherinnen unserer Tochter geben sich immer viel Mühe und machen eine sehr gute Arbeit. Ein großes Dankeschön!"

Familie Müller, Eltern

"Choosing SIS has been the best decision we have made. Being an international family, Germany is the third country of our little girl at her short age and the school has addressed all her needs in such a personalized and caring way that she has been able to bloom with all of her colours. Teachers are warm, open and professional. We couldn't be happier."

Darinka and Tobias, parents

"Our daughter was very nervous about going to SIS as a new student. The staff was very supportive of her and her family. She has acclimated nicely into the amazing school, which has a fantastic facility, in an incredible setting. The school has exceeded our expectations."

family from USA, parents

"Sehr freundliche und engagierte Lehrer und Schulleitung. Ein tolles Schulkonzept mit Ganztagesprogramm. Unsere Tochter hat viel Spaß und für uns als (voll) berufstätige Eltern ist es eine fantastische Unterstützung. Die Schule (und auch bereits der Kindergarten) bietet einen sehr guten Mix aus akademischem Anspruch, Sport/Bewegung und sogar der Möglichkeit, Musikinstrumente zu erlernen. Und die Kinder wachsen komplett zweisprachig auf (Deutsch und Englisch)!"

Vanessa H., Mutter

"Die proaktive, umfassende Kommunikation hinsichtlich aktueller Themen des schulischen Alltags von Seiten der Schule an die Elternschaft ist exzellent. Die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind sehr engagiert und haben sowohl die Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Schülerinnen und Schüler als auch der Klassengemeinschaft im Blick."

Alexandra Crede, Mutter

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