Upcoming Open Houses:
11.01.2025, 9 am - 12 pm: Kindergarten
01.02.2025, 9 am - 12 pm: Kindergarten
15.03.2025, 9 am - 12 pm: School
Registration is not required.
- Parents
- Good to Know
- Career
- English
SIS Educational Concept
Our Students and Their Learning Needs Are at the Heart of Our Efforts
- Bilingual Experience
- Independent and Value-Centred Approach
- Day School Community
- Performance through Diversity
- International Education – Local Insight
- Continuity from Kindergarten to College
- Learning Enhanced by Technology
- Strong Network
Extracurricular Activities
For a Varied School Day
Extracurricular Activities
For a Varied School Day
As a school, we are committed to doing everything we can to support children as they grow up and to provide a valuable complement to their family life. This includes offers such as lunch, homework supervision, before and after school care, flexible drop-off and pick-up times, as well as a variety of exciting activities and after school clubs.
Student Life
SIS Ingolstadt is not just a place of learning, it is also a place where children can spend time together, make new friends, and pass the time in a pleasant environment.
Upcoming Events
01 February 2025
SIS Ingolstadt:
OPEN DAY (Kindergarten)
Start: 09:00
End: 12:00
15 March 2025
SIS Ingolstadt:
OPEN DAY (School)
Start: 09:00
End: 12:00