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English as a window to the world

Varied Lessons Bilingualism SIS Basel-Allschwil Kindergarten/Preschool Primary School

Learning English early broadens our world and horizons

English happens to be the third most common spoken language in the world (after Chinese and Spanish). It is estimated to be spoken by half a billion people as a native language as well as spoken by 1.5 billion people as an official or second language. Given its widespread use geographically as well as its use as an international language in business, science and communication, it opens up many opportunities in terms of work, education and travel.


At the SIS, English is taught playfully and engagingly to stimulate young students’ sense of wonder and curiosity about their world and beyond. We love to make use of quality, multicultural literature which showcase not just other countries and cultures but diversity as well. As we recently read Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne, we enjoyed dramatizing the story while learning about animal and fruit names and appreciated the sunny and lush terrain of an African country (Kenya) ensconced as we are in the middle of winter. The children were delighted by the humor in the story and could relate to its universal themes of friendship, thoughtfulness and gratitude.